Dinner and opera?
There are excellent restaurants within a very short walking distance of the theater in the beautiful Merchant Square area of Williamsburg. Some are upscale and elegant, others are casual. A picnic in one of the gardens nearby is also a possibility. Park your car, enjoy a leisurely dinner, and time it so you can get to the theater when the doors open half an hour before we perform. Tell the restaurant that you are coming to the opera!
Children and opera?
After the Barber of Seville dress rehearsal
Children are riveted by excellent performing! We have had very young children at our performances, and they loved them (the picture shows two young happy faces at the end of the dress rehearsal of The Barber of Seville). Our student price is very low. The Magic Flute (May 2019) is particularly appropriate for children. Feel free to ask us about the specific opera that is coming up.
accessibility and parking
There is a parking lot with limited parking behind the theater which is free in the evening (limited to 2 hours during the day). There is paid parking lot across Francis Street behind it. The city parking garage at 230 N Henry Street is two blocks away. All are within easy walking distance of the theater.
There are some handicapped parking spaces next to the back of the theater. Another possibility is to drop off passengers behind the theater (next to the passage into Merchant Square) and park elsewhere.
If you need help getting a wheelchair into the theater, or if you need to make sure you have a seat that accommodates your needs, please get in touch with us. You can use the form below: