Mahler and Dvorak: a concert of Late Romantic art songs with soprano Anja Farysej and baritone Suchan Kim. At the piano: Abdiel Vazquez.
March 16, 2023 at 2:30 PM at the Concert Hall of W&M Music Center, 551 Jamestown Rd
In the original languages
with projected translations
Tickets ($25 general seating, $20 discount, $5 students)
Mahler’s Rückertlieder
1) Blicke mir nicht in die Lieder / Do not look at my songs
2) Ich atmet' einen linden Duft / I breathed a gentle fragrance
3) Um Mitternacht / At Midnight.
4) Liebst du um Schönheit / If you love for beauty
5) Ich bin der Welt abhanden gekommen / I am lost to the world
Dvorak’s Gypsy Songs
1) Má píseň zas mi láskou zní / My song rings out with love again
2) Aj! Kterak trojhranec můj / Hey, how my triangle
3) A les je tichý kolem kol / The woods are silent alaround
4) Když mne stará matka / Songs my mother taught me
5) Struna naladěna / Now the string is tuned, lad
6) Široké rukávy / Flowing sleeves and trousers
7) Dejte klec jestřábu / Give the hawk a cage
Dvorak’s Love Songs:
1) Ó naší lásce nekvete/Oh, for us love does not bloom.
2) V tak mnohém srdci mrtvo jest/So many hearts are as though dead.
3) Kol domu se ted’ potácím/Around the house I stagger now.
4) Já vím, že v sladké naději/I know that in my sweet hope.
5) Nad krajem vévodi lehký spánek/Over the countryside reigns a light sleep.
6) Zde v lese u potoka/In forest here by a brook.
7) V té sladké moci ocí tvých/In that sweet power of your eyes.
8) Ó duše drahá jedinká/Oh dear soul, the only one.